ASMFC Amendment 7: Public Coment

Quick write-up in regards to the ongoing consideration of the ASMFC to allow the transfer of commercial quotas from state to state. Basically, if a state does not fill its commercial quota, the remaining quota could be filled by a different state. This raises several concerns as different size classes are found throughout different states during different times of the year. Therefore, if passed, this could result in an increase in commercial fishing mortality.

Public comment is due tonight by 11:59 PM. All you have to do is send in a quick email stating that you support Option A for Striped Bass Draft Addendum 1.

Below is a template that you can simply copy and paste into your email, as well as, the email to which you should send your comment.

To whom it may concern,

I, _____, am a resident of _____. I am emailing you in regards to the public comment for Striped Bass Addendum I due tonight, Jan 13, 2023, at 11:59 PM. I support Option A (no commercial quota transfers).




When will we learn?